By the hearth sat a handsome young lad, Whose heart was full of a tale so sad. He strummed his lute with a tender hand, And sang of his love in a subterranean land. Oh, maiden bound by another's hand, I will walk the path wherever you stand. I'll tread in the shadows ever beside you. Where I'll play my melody only for you. She roamed the lands with sword in hand, A warrior bold across the land. Years went by, and battles won, Yet still his journey was never done. He sang his tune beneath the trees, A melody full of memories. Oh, maiden bound by another's hand, I will walk the path wherever you stand. I'll tread in the shadows ever beside you. Where I'll play my melody only for you. Under moon's soft glow, he’d wander nigh, His thoughts a whisper, heart a sigh. A bloom of white, a secret token, Of words unsaid, never to be spoken. *Verse 3:* Years did pass, and battles won, Yet still his song was never done. He sang his tune beneath the trees, A melody full of memories. Oh, maiden bound by another's hand, I will walk the path wherever you stand. I'll tread in the shadows ever beside you. Where I'll play my melody only for you. So when you see a rose so near, Beneath the stars or moon so clear, Know it's the lad whose song remains, In silent chords, through joy and pains.