My Son

My Son

Created by: [email protected]
nu metalhard rockfastintenseelectromale voice

Music Images

Lyrics / Prompt

My son, when I first saw you come out 
into this world. I wanted to shout,
look at my handsome son wait is that pout.
oh, how he cries when he's hungry c'mon honey don't shout.
You're the mommy, bring your tittie out
My son used to suck on a binky 
that he hardly ever pulled out, unless he was thirsty for a drinky. 
he finally let it go at 2 years old and yes to stop him, it was a bit tricky
I used to change his diapers when they were stinky.
Sometimes it was a big mess and other times it was dinky.
His onesies were cute with ears and a zipper. 
His hands were covered almost like a flipper.
Watching him flail his little arms and legs I made sure he didn't fall off the couch onto a slipper. 
When I put my finger close to him, he would grab it and become a strong gripper. 
Before we set him on the floor to play we would clean it with vacuum or a Swiffer. 
My son is usually sweet and mild.
Lots of times he is happy and beguiled.
Sometimes he will jump everywhere and be wild.
Sometimes people call him a problem child,
especially when he eats sweets and is riled.
Just look at his huge smile.
Now he wants his hair a certain style.
When he is at school he changes his life style.
When he is at home he likes to play games and if he loses he can be hostile.
When he first started to mimic talking it was cute. 
when I held a cracker to get him to walk, 
sometimes he would cheat and scoot.
His huge smile made me glad and he was so cute.
Such a handsome and adorable boy in a jump suit.
I'm glad I had a son it must have been fate I won't refute.
Here is some food, come eat some fruit.
Don't worry if you cant eat it all, I wont be mad and become a brute, 
Here have some juice that's a little dilute.
Oh, did you here that little toot. 
My son is usually sweet and mild.
Lots of times he is happy and beguiled.
Sometimes he will jump everywhere and be wild.
Sometimes people call him a problem child,
especially when he eats sweets and is riled.
Just look at his huge smile.
Now he wants his hair a certain style.
When he is at school he changes his life style.
When he is at home he likes to play games and if he loses he can be hostile.
